January 23, 2016

NO Turning Back!

I once heard these things play.....

        'Was blown, was struck and in the edge of condemn-ably withdrawn condition. Strength nurtured is seemingly being siphoned, pressure unseen intermittently appears, cutting down the once very enthusiastic habit of mind and the impression of triumph fades---in nowhere on one's reach. What a day.......again!!
          Hate grows, uselessness strikes weakness unbearable! Shocks! What have you made?, The knowledge is stupid, the sharpness is dull and where's the meaning?
       Then there's that deafening shout... pushing all the guilt, convincing unceasingly, with all the errors and sinfulness that envelop the soul. Where would you be?

       Such terrible lies was and is, still echoing sometimes, to confuse and storm the stillness of one's peaceful mind. Trying to plant worry, doubt and fear, putting you on defensive instead, confusing the realms of truth, prolonging rains, magnifying pains and putting all the blame......, but No!

       Oh big NO, As never again will I listen to lies, as there might have been many aches, lot's of concerns and wave of problems that continuously arise, but nevertheless and yet still..., peace resides, still..., victory acquired and still..., enemy cowardly dived....to a deeper level with a timorous fear.

       Such wind blows, such wind gently comes, putting strength under my wings to finally understand and overcome the mountains that opposes and nearly destroyed my calm. Thanks be to God!

Again....Keep On keeping on. No Turning Back!

     These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33

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