January 14, 2016

If ever….

Ahhgghh! I missed my appointment.., chances are.., blessings will be somehow limited co’z I failed to go for it. Tsk! Anyway…as I mostly say, “charge it to experience” a saying I inherited from an intelligent man, who also missed lot of golden opportunities yet occupying a successful position….Hmmmmm! (talking ‘bout positive re-enforcement)

As I look back, it does echo lots of opportunities I’ve lost.  Hey!, ‘Am not being negative--just thinking of those valuables, just want to finally embed the lessons I should have applied way…way back. And Yeah.., at times somehow, it place me to the edge of frowning…wake up you pitiful self you!!#@$#%
Realization flooded and Whoa! There’s a gold somewhere here….as I remember, experience makes you more rich.., well.., uhummm if you reach its’ application! 
Partly denying who you are is partly killing who you will be. Death implication is at the door! A possible great future handed to thieves or a future robbed with permission-just giving it away. Sooner….I will be a nobody, for letting go of such great conditional possession that will help me evolve to a better trait than past generations!
‘Got to stand up, let go of being beat-up and claim the inheritance, get back on getting what you should and would have......abundantly!
Situations happens, as it was allowed….for more realization, improvement and triumph on ones journey!
I just recently had a thought…that if ever.., I deny the gifts, and if ever.., I refuse to claim it..., I don’t want to live again!.. as only by receiving it, and only by getting it… will I have a complete living-life!

"Hmmmm parang malalim toh ahh!" Anyway…Keep on keepin’ on Guys!

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

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