January 16, 2016

Humble and Honest Prayers.

..."Isn’t it better for me then to simply not pray than pray pretending that I’m praying?"... an old statement I dug from my "baul" that pushes an idea of being authentic every time we face and talk to the Creator.

Definitely, I agree with such perspective, because some people now are uttering memorized sentences, phrases and statements they call prayers.(no offense meant) But without really expressing their true sentiments in a biblical manner, it does merely fall into just---tradition and only reaching the ceiling, not to the One it is intended for. It's repetitious and mechanical notions somehow hinders its effectiveness. Unanswered prayers filing up in the cabinet of religiosity. In my opinion, prayer should not be that way. 

      Prayer is an expression of thanks, joys and requests to the living and loving God....or simply a humble and honest communication toward Him. And since He is also all-knowing, bago ka pa lang lumapit alam na Nya gusto mo, kaya kung ang "prayers" natin eh yung paulit-ulit na kinakabisado without its true sentiments, eh baka sabihin ng Diyos sa atin na....Hoy! mga ineng, utoy, ale, mama....lokohin nyo na lang lelong n'yo wag Ako!!...At pag medyo sosyal pa yung nananalangin sa Kanya na pa inglis-inglish pa, siguro ito sasabihin Nya.....Hey! You talkin' to Me!??...Tell it to the marines!...(siguro lang po!)joke! 

     Kidding aside, we must pray out of our heart, with all humility and honesty. God doesn't expect us to be perfect in all sense, for He very well knows we can't, on our own, but He does insist us (I believe) to be completely humble and honest when we approach Him. He is the
Omnipotence, Omnipresent & Omniscient Creator, by the way. 

...Indeed!...Humility and Honesty are still the best policy for me....,especially in prayers...

But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your father knoweth what things ye have need before ye ask Him.Matthew 6:7-8(KJV)

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