January 23, 2016

NO Turning Back!

I once heard these things play.....

        'Was blown, was struck and in the edge of condemn-ably withdrawn condition. Strength nurtured is seemingly being siphoned, pressure unseen intermittently appears, cutting down the once very enthusiastic habit of mind and the impression of triumph fades---in nowhere on one's reach. What a day.......again!!
          Hate grows, uselessness strikes weakness unbearable! Shocks! What have you made?, The knowledge is stupid, the sharpness is dull and where's the meaning?
       Then there's that deafening shout... pushing all the guilt, convincing unceasingly, with all the errors and sinfulness that envelop the soul. Where would you be?

       Such terrible lies was and is, still echoing sometimes, to confuse and storm the stillness of one's peaceful mind. Trying to plant worry, doubt and fear, putting you on defensive instead, confusing the realms of truth, prolonging rains, magnifying pains and putting all the blame......, but No!

       Oh big NO, As never again will I listen to lies, as there might have been many aches, lot's of concerns and wave of problems that continuously arise, but nevertheless and yet still..., peace resides, still..., victory acquired and still..., enemy cowardly dived....to a deeper level with a timorous fear.

       Such wind blows, such wind gently comes, putting strength under my wings to finally understand and overcome the mountains that opposes and nearly destroyed my calm. Thanks be to God!

Again....Keep On keeping on. No Turning Back!

     These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33

January 16, 2016

Humble and Honest Prayers.

..."Isn’t it better for me then to simply not pray than pray pretending that I’m praying?"... an old statement I dug from my "baul" that pushes an idea of being authentic every time we face and talk to the Creator.

Definitely, I agree with such perspective, because some people now are uttering memorized sentences, phrases and statements they call prayers.(no offense meant) But without really expressing their true sentiments in a biblical manner, it does merely fall into just---tradition and only reaching the ceiling, not to the One it is intended for. It's repetitious and mechanical notions somehow hinders its effectiveness. Unanswered prayers filing up in the cabinet of religiosity. In my opinion, prayer should not be that way. 

      Prayer is an expression of thanks, joys and requests to the living and loving God....or simply a humble and honest communication toward Him. And since He is also all-knowing, bago ka pa lang lumapit alam na Nya gusto mo, kaya kung ang "prayers" natin eh yung paulit-ulit na kinakabisado without its true sentiments, eh baka sabihin ng Diyos sa atin na....Hoy! mga ineng, utoy, ale, mama....lokohin nyo na lang lelong n'yo wag Ako!!...At pag medyo sosyal pa yung nananalangin sa Kanya na pa inglis-inglish pa, siguro ito sasabihin Nya.....Hey! You talkin' to Me!??...Tell it to the marines!...(siguro lang po!)joke! 

     Kidding aside, we must pray out of our heart, with all humility and honesty. God doesn't expect us to be perfect in all sense, for He very well knows we can't, on our own, but He does insist us (I believe) to be completely humble and honest when we approach Him. He is the
Omnipotence, Omnipresent & Omniscient Creator, by the way. 

...Indeed!...Humility and Honesty are still the best policy for me....,especially in prayers...

But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your father knoweth what things ye have need before ye ask Him.Matthew 6:7-8(KJV)

January 14, 2016

If ever….

Ahhgghh! I missed my appointment.., chances are.., blessings will be somehow limited co’z I failed to go for it. Tsk! Anyway…as I mostly say, “charge it to experience” a saying I inherited from an intelligent man, who also missed lot of golden opportunities yet occupying a successful position….Hmmmmm! (talking ‘bout positive re-enforcement)

As I look back, it does echo lots of opportunities I’ve lost.  Hey!, ‘Am not being negative--just thinking of those valuables, just want to finally embed the lessons I should have applied way…way back. And Yeah.., at times somehow, it place me to the edge of frowning…wake up you pitiful self you!!#@$#%
Realization flooded and Whoa! There’s a gold somewhere here….as I remember, experience makes you more rich.., well.., uhummm if you reach its’ application! 
Partly denying who you are is partly killing who you will be. Death implication is at the door! A possible great future handed to thieves or a future robbed with permission-just giving it away. Sooner….I will be a nobody, for letting go of such great conditional possession that will help me evolve to a better trait than past generations!
‘Got to stand up, let go of being beat-up and claim the inheritance, get back on getting what you should and would have......abundantly!
Situations happens, as it was allowed….for more realization, improvement and triumph on ones journey!
I just recently had a thought…that if ever.., I deny the gifts, and if ever.., I refuse to claim it..., I don’t want to live again!.. as only by receiving it, and only by getting it… will I have a complete living-life!

"Hmmmm parang malalim toh ahh!" Anyway…Keep on keepin’ on Guys!

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10