February 25, 2017

What's our Heart Condition?,...on Money?

     I thank God for a change perspective on life about lot of things and still learning...😊


     This outlook also brought along lots of new actions pushing me to forget which are behind and reach out to a fresh forth. It does not come easily as it has a lot of struggle and contradiction emanating from friends and/or people who are dear. An old set of rules, traditional beliefs and ways of doing things will at times build a hindrance for a greater truth that loudly speaks and invites. Making that step to follow or embarking to a new lifestyle is quite a challenge...a verry big challenge.

And a certain challenge facing such change is plainly money. Too many instances on people lives that this "seemingly root of power", as the world exalt, hindered good promises of God from  hatching and  subsequently, enjoying a more wonderful life,. it's a matter of the heart perhaps. Hmmmm...
     And I am being reminded of that wealthy young man who approach Jesus and ask him about the eternal life. And the answer somehow makes the young wealthy man to walk away bowing his head as he cannot leave his money (huge ehy!) to follow Jesus. We'll its a relation against possessions, and you know how the story went on..... :). It's the condition of his heart  that blocked the flow of the real blessings to be enjoyed.

     Another instance also surface in my "Hmmmm" mind is the overwhelmingly dire situation of that poor widow near the offering box. With nothing to eat, and what's left in her hand is a few cent, she willingly placed it to the treasure box.... And the Lord commented that this poor widow has put more into the treasury that all the others. Whew such a situation that shouts! It's the condition of her heart that strongly speaks.
     I'm also reminded of this wisdom thought when one good guy asked me a simple question in a gathering during my younger years..."Is money the root of evil" I reacted by a loud shout of "YES" then a simple and gentle response came..."NO its NOT"..., I was kinda stunned, my wandering mind is checking such validity, (and really) I was stunned and thinking ..."why did this good man announce that with so much force and conviction". Then he lead me to the revealing verse...."For the love  of money is the root of all evil...."  it's the LOVE of money not the money itself. Whew! quite simple yet it's a freeing revelation to note and meditate somehow. (Simplicity at times overwhelms.)  It's a condition of the heart that conveys where your attachments is placed.

     And it's healthy to have those "medium of exchange" as a slave rather than a master. "Mahirap po yatang masyadong maraming pera, nakakabulag din pala at baka lumakad tayong talunan dahil di na maiwan ang kayamanan". Hmmmm...

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Tim 6:10 KJV

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