February 25, 2017



     A boy used to travel to school with a group of friends everyday, it gave him a certain feeling of security. One cold day, he overslept, and wasn't able to join their own "little trip" to school...so he went alone.

     Along the way..he met three kids strangely staring at him. Upon reaching a not so crowded alley, one of those pale looking kids kicked him, the two others pulled out a very sharp pen and demanded his bag and money....since he was outnumbered...he gave in, teary eyed and trembling with fear.
Image result for mugged
     This scenario created a scar to the boy's young heart. It left a huge fear that made him insecure, awkward and live with so many pretensions....he learned to put on a confident and courageous front whenever interacting with a crowd. He learned to carry some sort of sharp object with him, (a fan knife or anything pointed) for defensive purposes (accordingly!) and somehow gave him a sense of security however false it was. He always make it a point not to be alone, in whatever situation it may be, from doing a simple task, to talking to strangers, asking for assistance, travelling or being in the dark..,especially,... alleys.

     The boy grew up carrying this fear that also grew up with him, and it generates to other forms of fear as well, the fear of the unknown, the worries of tomorrow and future, and others more..... but life goes on....He mingled with a mask and acquired learning, yet watchful, cautious and hiding to cover the weakness from his youth that limits him to fully enjoy life.

     Now that he's already a man, he sometimes find himself walking alone, in the midst of this dangerous society, where people could do anything to hurt you and rob you and probably kill you to get what they want. (Yes!,it could happen to anyone today in the Philippines).And he travels without that pointed object anymore, even in the very dim alley, strangely, with a great song in his heart. He still mingles with people, surprisingly not to put up a "face", but to contribute somehow in whatever ways he can. The negative fear has been subdued, and it's not because he outgrown it but because he learned something precious along the way. He has discovered courage, confidence and security not by having some strong and influential people around him but by surrendering. He has already met his God, in a deeper, personnal and biblical manner, and accepted, not a new religion nor tradition, but His Son as his Lord and personnal Saviour, an act so simple to do yet so hard for some people to understand. A very important decision one has to do for this has an eternal implications. This simple experience liberates him from the coward life he once had.

     Currently...he still experiences many fears and worries like others do but this fears motivates him more to contribute effectively and extend his reach. It has not lead him to put up a face nor wear another mask....nor carry a pointed weapon with him again.

     Fear of God has made him fearless......

     By the way, this once coward guy who now found courage in surrendering to Christ is going around by the handle of Flex J!

     Hey!...It's better to trust an unknown future to a known God..... 😊


Psalm 23:4

Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me...

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