February 26, 2017


Quite embarrassing yet for the sake of laughter eh sige na....hehehehe

Wala lang...natatawa ako pag naaalala ko ang mga kaignorantehan ko dito sa net...nagkukunwaring marunong tapos ang ending...komedi and embarassment. Gaya nitong LOL! I thought all the while ang ibig sabihin nito eh "lots of love", yun pala "laughing out loud" (sabi ko na...magtanong muna eh!).

Kaya everytime na susulat ako sa mga friends ko o sasagot ako sa mga forum na pinapasukan ko eh I made it a point to express my concern and love with this acronym. Minsan yung kaibigan ko eh nagkuwento sa akin na nagka-breyk sila ng bf niya....sabi ko....

Don't worry, after this storm you will find yourself to be a better person, with or without him..

with prayers and lol..

Whew! kakahiya kala siguro pinagtatawanan ko s'ya....kaya pala di na nag-reply....

ito pa isa...

Don't loose hope...everything is allowed by the Almighty for a very great reason...,that is...to improve and bless us, There's a bright sun behind those clouds you know!...Keep on keeping on!


Marami pa to..kaya lang......Sigh! kakahiya talaga...tama na!!! LOL!
 ....sometimes pride prevents us to ask, that's why knowledge is limited and shame multiplied.

Pro. 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

....Re-post from my first blog....

February 25, 2017



     A boy used to travel to school with a group of friends everyday, it gave him a certain feeling of security. One cold day, he overslept, and wasn't able to join their own "little trip" to school...so he went alone.

     Along the way..he met three kids strangely staring at him. Upon reaching a not so crowded alley, one of those pale looking kids kicked him, the two others pulled out a very sharp pen and demanded his bag and money....since he was outnumbered...he gave in, teary eyed and trembling with fear.
Image result for mugged
     This scenario created a scar to the boy's young heart. It left a huge fear that made him insecure, awkward and live with so many pretensions....he learned to put on a confident and courageous front whenever interacting with a crowd. He learned to carry some sort of sharp object with him, (a fan knife or anything pointed) for defensive purposes (accordingly!) and somehow gave him a sense of security however false it was. He always make it a point not to be alone, in whatever situation it may be, from doing a simple task, to talking to strangers, asking for assistance, travelling or being in the dark..,especially,... alleys.

     The boy grew up carrying this fear that also grew up with him, and it generates to other forms of fear as well, the fear of the unknown, the worries of tomorrow and future, and others more..... but life goes on....He mingled with a mask and acquired learning, yet watchful, cautious and hiding to cover the weakness from his youth that limits him to fully enjoy life.

     Now that he's already a man, he sometimes find himself walking alone, in the midst of this dangerous society, where people could do anything to hurt you and rob you and probably kill you to get what they want. (Yes!,it could happen to anyone today in the Philippines).And he travels without that pointed object anymore, even in the very dim alley, strangely, with a great song in his heart. He still mingles with people, surprisingly not to put up a "face", but to contribute somehow in whatever ways he can. The negative fear has been subdued, and it's not because he outgrown it but because he learned something precious along the way. He has discovered courage, confidence and security not by having some strong and influential people around him but by surrendering. He has already met his God, in a deeper, personnal and biblical manner, and accepted, not a new religion nor tradition, but His Son as his Lord and personnal Saviour, an act so simple to do yet so hard for some people to understand. A very important decision one has to do for this has an eternal implications. This simple experience liberates him from the coward life he once had.

     Currently...he still experiences many fears and worries like others do but this fears motivates him more to contribute effectively and extend his reach. It has not lead him to put up a face nor wear another mask....nor carry a pointed weapon with him again.

     Fear of God has made him fearless......

     By the way, this once coward guy who now found courage in surrendering to Christ is going around by the handle of Flex J!

     Hey!...It's better to trust an unknown future to a known God..... 😊


Psalm 23:4

Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me...

What's our Heart Condition?,...on Money?

     I thank God for a change perspective on life about lot of things and still learning...😊


     This outlook also brought along lots of new actions pushing me to forget which are behind and reach out to a fresh forth. It does not come easily as it has a lot of struggle and contradiction emanating from friends and/or people who are dear. An old set of rules, traditional beliefs and ways of doing things will at times build a hindrance for a greater truth that loudly speaks and invites. Making that step to follow or embarking to a new lifestyle is quite a challenge...a verry big challenge.

And a certain challenge facing such change is plainly money. Too many instances on people lives that this "seemingly root of power", as the world exalt, hindered good promises of God from  hatching and  subsequently, enjoying a more wonderful life,. it's a matter of the heart perhaps. Hmmmm...
     And I am being reminded of that wealthy young man who approach Jesus and ask him about the eternal life. And the answer somehow makes the young wealthy man to walk away bowing his head as he cannot leave his money (huge ehy!) to follow Jesus. We'll its a relation against possessions, and you know how the story went on..... :). It's the condition of his heart  that blocked the flow of the real blessings to be enjoyed.

     Another instance also surface in my "Hmmmm" mind is the overwhelmingly dire situation of that poor widow near the offering box. With nothing to eat, and what's left in her hand is a few cent, she willingly placed it to the treasure box.... And the Lord commented that this poor widow has put more into the treasury that all the others. Whew such a situation that shouts! It's the condition of her heart that strongly speaks.
     I'm also reminded of this wisdom thought when one good guy asked me a simple question in a gathering during my younger years..."Is money the root of evil" I reacted by a loud shout of "YES" then a simple and gentle response came..."NO its NOT"..., I was kinda stunned, my wandering mind is checking such validity, (and really) I was stunned and thinking ..."why did this good man announce that with so much force and conviction". Then he lead me to the revealing verse...."For the love  of money is the root of all evil...."  it's the LOVE of money not the money itself. Whew! quite simple yet it's a freeing revelation to note and meditate somehow. (Simplicity at times overwhelms.)  It's a condition of the heart that conveys where your attachments is placed.

     And it's healthy to have those "medium of exchange" as a slave rather than a master. "Mahirap po yatang masyadong maraming pera, nakakabulag din pala at baka lumakad tayong talunan dahil di na maiwan ang kayamanan". Hmmmm...

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Tim 6:10 KJV

February 24, 2017

When the newness wears off.

Have you experienced being veerrry excited, attentive and motivated in a certain activity assigned to you, or perhaps to a new job or environment you are into....Ang aga mong gumising, pasipol-sipol pa, walang late, lahat ng utos "Yes Sir! o Yes Mam!" ang sagot, pasigaw pa yun ha. Pati ang bilis mong kumilos, dami mong nagagawa, parang wala ng bukas, lahat ng assign task tapos mo! walang tinitirang jobs, You're sweating hard but it really doesn't bother you much 'co'z you're accomplishing something you've never done before. Very productive, very efficient. Sabi nga ng kaibigan ko...."di ka sayang kaibigan"...Galing! Husay!

Related imageThen....after a considerable time doing the routinaries of effectiveness, parang ang bagal mo ng kumilos, parang wala ka ng gana, ang hirap ng gumising ng maaga at naging mabigat yata ng trabaho. Parang lahat sumasalungat sa iyo at nag-iisa ka na yata. Madalas mainit na ang ulo mo at feeling mo napag-iiwanan ka, pati blood pressure mo mataas na yata.....Where have all the magics gone?, where's the seemingly undying ember of optimism? Did the flame already died?

Yes!...things like these happens. And when it does approach you, don't be upset, throw that self-pity away out of your window. Here are some practical tips to get rid of those pessimism....

1. Keep yourself busy....
The more you are busy the less time you ponder negative thoughts.

2. Re-inforce optimism.....
Watch and read inspirational and lively stories.

3. Be not alone....
Keep it a point to be with a group of cheerful company most of the time.

4. Discover the special you....
Find your special talent.There is one for everybody, it's just waiting to be discovered.

5. Take a rest....
You maybe just too tired and mostly everyone tends to look dim when they're exhausted. Dwell on His Word and pray... :)

6. Lastly, take time to listen to others...
My mom says..."In order for you to forget the not so good situation you're in, listen to others with more grievous predicament."

Just do not let that bad feeling conquer you, because you can still contribute a lot to this hungry world. Don't provide a limit to yourself with regards to service and contribution.

If this doesn't work and the ill feeling still survives...ewan ko na lang, ganyan yata talaga pag menopause ka na.......LOL! Tawa ka naman...masyado kang serious, parang nasa ICU!


Isaiah 41:10
Fear thou not, for I AM with thee. Be not dismayed for I AM thy God. I will strenghten thee and will help thee. And I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

...worrying is the most time wasting activity some people indulge...