August 11, 2016

Such LOVE…

I was reminded of that young sturdy man who always been in a flame when season of planting seeds is at hand. He usually took time alone to store required strength and prepare the required seeds for spreading. Then he mingled with his other friends who also regarded such activity distinct and at high end, enjoying and sharing valuable experiences from their own passage of this duration.
And then the planting starts…..everyone took their well-kept seedlings, everyone prepares well. They are all scattered and distributed to their own assigned location. Each of them overlays the miracle seeds to the thirsty land that promises great bundle of fruits… someday and somehow.
Such a sight, such a marvelous spectacle of beneficial actions for a common purpose.
            Length of time passed and moments of various changes had affected the planting activity. The young sturdy man seems unconcerned and disinterested. And surprisingly, sometimes nowhere around… yet, new faces emerged, young blood with a solid, strong desire. High end laughter with such willingness to inter-act on the beneficial activity is still seen, but somehow I sorely missed the guy that was once strong and active but now feeble and collapsing. I missed his infectious smile. What has become of him?
This scene somehow engulfed me….as I saw the man in there ….. a part of me.!? Or a part of us?!  And “What has become of him” should be, what has happened to me? What has happened to us? Our fierce, menacing intensity that once grow seeds of truthful promises has awkwardly become cold, unresponsive desire which emanates dispassionism. Hmmmmm…What has become of me?
The crying, the confessions, the submission and thirst… for the service has somehow diverted to other seemingly profitable deed (accordingly).  The flame for the season is reduced to an ember of a dying fire. What has become of me?
‘Hard to face it head on… but Truth never stops. I know it, as usually I preached it, Tried to shun it.. Yet, the more it strikes a sounding blow.  What a vigorous power that convicts…..What a forceful pull! What a degree of Love!! So Unending, Unequivocal, Un-sizeable!  How can I…Oh! How can I……cease and discontinue. What is my meaning apart from Him?... And I just found myself humming….then singing that enduring hymn of my youth….
“Such was His love, that Hegave His own life..As though all our wrong were His…And I’ll tell Him…because He became what I was, That I might become….who He is….”

My tears flow…my tears fell. The embrace was so tight that clearly spells… I won’t let you go!….”These has become of me!

Such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us. Rom 5:5 AMPC

July 9, 2016

Some of Modern Day Idolatry in a Modern Day Christianity...

          There are ample of "conformingly suitable things" that can occupy one's attention, and some of these ideas may prove to be decent or "no ones is hurt" impression of should be more cautious and self-searching if these are eating more of our attention than it should be as a result....replacing the priority and center of our heart. Hmmmm....
          Because throwing or dealing more period on this passage of existence, somehow speaks of what kind of life we have or should I say to whom our life is anchored?..and modern Christianity expresses oneself with the actions that occupy our though and life as observed and seen by the surrounding people as the case maybe. Our dedication of more time and attention to some of the deeds and pursuit of these modern life  can somehow be perceived as idols of our life. Hmmmmm quite a notion perhaps but some if not many, are noticeable on Christians who are into this kind of modern day idolatry.... :)
          I have seen and researched more of such but let us just take the following which I thought are more deceivingly hidden, common or stand out to us....Which ones would you include that you might be involve with?

          It has come to my attention that some pastor say that “we can’t be preaching the Bible to people in the world because it’s not relevant to them.” Huh...say What!? I have to admit, I was somehow moved & angered by that. Isn’t the gospel the power of salvation (Rom. 1:16)? Does this thought push the idea that he has more power than the word of God to save? Has he invented a better way.... than the Spirit of God mixed with the Word of God making the children of God? Irrelevancy strikes pointing back to the preacher. The Word of God never needs changing; it abides forever (1 Pet. 1:25). These teachers of some churches that don’t want to offend people are more interested in filling the congregation attendance than filling people with the Word of God. Sorry, but the Word is supposed to cut in order to heal because soft words make hard hearts, but hard words make soft hearts, and the Word of God is supposed to comfort the afflicted, but afflict the comfortable. Pragmatism is deadly as a doctrine. Feelings over Faith is toxic. Hmmmmm, quite a freeing view there!

          Have you heard the prosperity teaching? This comes close to being found in every prosperity gospel I have ever heard. They want you to come to their church so that your life will be better and you’ll be happier, but I have news for them. My life got harder or should I say challenging!.... after I became a Christian. Many of my former friends spurned me. Much of my family thought I was brainwashed...etc... Whew...quite a lot of implications to hold and live for Christ! Have you felt that too??? 'Bet you did, don't you??
          Some sermon topics are “How to Live a Happier Life” or “How You Can Find More Fulfillment.” Pardon myself, but isn’t worship all about God and His glory? What about preaching about repentance, sin, the cross, the blood of the Lamb, holiness, sanctification, and actual biblical topics? Instead of love for God being taught, it’s all about love for self. It’s not theology but “me-ology” or "Akology" as I usually calls it. Christ is not the focus; we are! Hmmmmm....Prosperity is good, its one of the promises but teaching of repentance in connection to what Christ has completely done, should and must come first--before enjoying such "prosperous" journey. Get my vibes Sir?

We are All Children of God!
          Pluralism has extended its deadly grasp or  tentacles into the modern churches. No, not all of them, but the idea that we should embrace other religions is a false notion emanating from some or many(?) modern churches. The bumper sticker that reads “coexist” sounds nice, but try telling that to the extremists of one religion against another, who are continuously murdering people around the world. We are not all God’s children. Some are clearly children of the Devil, which is what Jesus told the religious authorities in His day (John 8:44), and John wrote that “we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are” (1 John 3:10). Once, when Paul and Barnabas were opposed by Elymas the sorcerer, who tried to turn the proconsul away from the faith (Acts 13:8), Paul told him, “You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery” (Acts 13:10). I will presume you got the overwhelming point that is clearly visible in our days. Pray for Christians to know, withstand this!

        So,,what can you say? Are not these false idols enslaving some of us today? Do you have a comment about other false idols that are infiltrating many churches today? I just covered some here, and I know that the many focus of preaching nowadays is shifting toward the self, toward being pragmatic or favoring what people want to hear and a tickling of ears Be aware and beware to their feeds and bids.!!
          In Paul’s last letter before his execution, he warned Timothy that “the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths” (2 Tim 4:3-4). Observe around......that time has come.

Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry. 1 Cor 10:14 (NIV)

(Excerpts from Ptr Wellman)

February 11, 2016

Expressing Love


All of life is a series of relationship. There are few or no people who will find any satisfaction if they have to live a life alone. God knows that, that's why Eve came to the picture. The fullest enjoyment (and perhaps achievement too!) of this life is deriving from the times we are able to share joys and sorrows, experiences and ideas with the dear people we have. Unfortunately, with the never-ending distractions and demands (and attractions too) that flood our lives, we tend to live so much for tomorrow and the "job that has to be done" with it. As a unwanted result, our relationship become shallow, unsatisfying and ineffective. Worst, the very dear people whom we are supposed to derived our strength becomes at times an irritation because we're too pre-occupied with something else. (or in other case, someone else!)

Back then, I was one of the particular MEN (and now women too I heard...) who doesn't understand this. All the while I thought that...,by providing my dear ones with the necessities and (at times) luxuries of life, I'm already taking care of them at my best. That's why I spend most of my time in work to come up with enough and make them happy. Leave early and arrive late for home was once my routine......just for them.

I was rebuked one day when my eldest daughter asked me to buy her a "post-it-notes" like the one I use in my office. I felt quite proudly satisfied for her, thinking that she is learning to become organize by using those "post-it-notes" to remind her of the priorities in school's schedules.

And so I thought.....

Feeling of curiousity and eagerness of confirmation excitedly pushed me to ask her the question "Why?". She answered awkwardly by saying....."Papa, Isusulat ko na lang ang gusto kong sabihin sa yo dito, tapos dikit ko sa pinto kasi di na tayo nagkikita at nagkakausap ng matagal eh, lagi kang busy...miss na kita". Haa! It struck me so hard that my face turned pale! I was convicted, embarassed and so touched.

That was an eye opener that made me reconsider and improve my ways and priorities. It also points me to the simple yet very loud truth..., that each of us has only one life....a short one with equal amount of time each day. And when your time is given to someone or something, you are giving a portion of your life that you'll never get back. That's why the greatest gift you can give to someone very dear and loved are not diamonds, roses and chocolates, but it is your time.....your quality time that can be felt, not just presence. A very focus attention of love that concentrates so intensely that you forget yourself at the moment...somehow. (lalim nito ah...ako ba ito!).

As what R. Warren says...
"The essence of Love is not what we think or do or provide for others but how much we give of ourselves."
In our final moments, when our life is about to end, I believe, we will not be asking to bring our diplomas and trophies, gold watch and diamonds jewelries, bank accounts and acquired properties, but instead we would ask to be sorrounded by people we love and have relationship with. And we will all realize then that relationship are what life is all about and family relationships are second to none in priority-----except God!

Discovering this, made me express my concern and love to all of my dear ones in whatever way I can, and while I can, because time's running, various changes constantly occur, people die, and children grow. Someday my beautiful daughters will not sit on my lap or my parents won't give me advices anymore. No more goodnight kisses, hugs and prayers with them. I don't want to look back with so much regret because of what I fail to do when I have the chance to do it. So I might as well live each moment with them fully so it's value will always be with me.

Wisdom, accordingly is knowing and acting the truth sooner rather than later. The best expression of love is your quality time and the best time to express your love is ...NOW!

Kapag nabasa ito na mga kapatid, anak at ng esmi ko...sasabihin ng mga yon eh...Ang galing nung quality time mo, pero wag mo ring kalimutan yung diamonds, gold and money, ok din yun sa 'min, penge ha. (sablay tayo dyan) Hmmmmm....pero maganda nga yata ang combination...may point sila...hehehe

Have a blessed day!

1John 3:18
"My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love which shows itself in action." (TEV)

January 23, 2016

NO Turning Back!

I once heard these things play.....

        'Was blown, was struck and in the edge of condemn-ably withdrawn condition. Strength nurtured is seemingly being siphoned, pressure unseen intermittently appears, cutting down the once very enthusiastic habit of mind and the impression of triumph fades---in nowhere on one's reach. What a day.......again!!
          Hate grows, uselessness strikes weakness unbearable! Shocks! What have you made?, The knowledge is stupid, the sharpness is dull and where's the meaning?
       Then there's that deafening shout... pushing all the guilt, convincing unceasingly, with all the errors and sinfulness that envelop the soul. Where would you be?

       Such terrible lies was and is, still echoing sometimes, to confuse and storm the stillness of one's peaceful mind. Trying to plant worry, doubt and fear, putting you on defensive instead, confusing the realms of truth, prolonging rains, magnifying pains and putting all the blame......, but No!

       Oh big NO, As never again will I listen to lies, as there might have been many aches, lot's of concerns and wave of problems that continuously arise, but nevertheless and yet still..., peace resides, still..., victory acquired and still..., enemy cowardly a deeper level with a timorous fear.

       Such wind blows, such wind gently comes, putting strength under my wings to finally understand and overcome the mountains that opposes and nearly destroyed my calm. Thanks be to God!

Again....Keep On keeping on. No Turning Back!

     These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33

January 16, 2016

Humble and Honest Prayers.

..."Isn’t it better for me then to simply not pray than pray pretending that I’m praying?"... an old statement I dug from my "baul" that pushes an idea of being authentic every time we face and talk to the Creator.

Definitely, I agree with such perspective, because some people now are uttering memorized sentences, phrases and statements they call prayers.(no offense meant) But without really expressing their true sentiments in a biblical manner, it does merely fall into just---tradition and only reaching the ceiling, not to the One it is intended for. It's repetitious and mechanical notions somehow hinders its effectiveness. Unanswered prayers filing up in the cabinet of religiosity. In my opinion, prayer should not be that way. 

      Prayer is an expression of thanks, joys and requests to the living and loving God....or simply a humble and honest communication toward Him. And since He is also all-knowing, bago ka pa lang lumapit alam na Nya gusto mo, kaya kung ang "prayers" natin eh yung paulit-ulit na kinakabisado without its true sentiments, eh baka sabihin ng Diyos sa atin na....Hoy! mga ineng, utoy, ale, mama....lokohin nyo na lang lelong n'yo wag Ako!!...At pag medyo sosyal pa yung nananalangin sa Kanya na pa inglis-inglish pa, siguro ito sasabihin Nya.....Hey! You talkin' to Me!??...Tell it to the marines!...(siguro lang po!)joke! 

     Kidding aside, we must pray out of our heart, with all humility and honesty. God doesn't expect us to be perfect in all sense, for He very well knows we can't, on our own, but He does insist us (I believe) to be completely humble and honest when we approach Him. He is the
Omnipotence, Omnipresent & Omniscient Creator, by the way. 

...Indeed!...Humility and Honesty are still the best policy for me....,especially in prayers...

But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your father knoweth what things ye have need before ye ask Him.Matthew 6:7-8(KJV)