April 2, 2017


I took time reading some summaries of great man during the OT times and quite a revealing communication or perhaps a disclosure (as I put it 😊) of a freeing message.

After the death of Joshua and his peers, the next generation has forsaken the Lord God of their fathers. The people turned and followed other gods, following the gods of the people that were all around them. This disastrous chronicle is quite a gloomy picture of God’s chosen people, yet some men (Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah) stands up one after another. (They were also mentioned in the NT book of Hebrews along with others as well.)

History however, presented us a flawed people who nevertheless responded to God’s call during a time of spiritual “darkness” in their culture. The Bible honors them for their faith, not for their perfection---as there is none. They were recipients of God’s sufficient grace as surely as we are.

Image result for mighty men of god        Thus, in every generation, God raises up people who are willing to follow Him and true to His Word. The measure of their lives and of ours is not the absence of failure but the presence of His gracious forgiveness coupled with their faith to obey His call.

I just remember the stereotyped cliché I used to utter at the end of message when I’m sharing the Word to challenge the hearers….
“God specializes in turning
A nothing to something..
A nobody to Somebody…
If.., to Him we’ll trust…
If.., to Him we’ll obey!”

Indeed it is, too many times He has proven that….in the Bible, on every lives and in my life.

      “Faith and obedience in Christ can make an ordinary people to extraordinary heroes!” 💪😇

Nevertheless the LORD raised up judges, which delivered them out of the hand of those that spoiled them. Judges 2:16