March 4, 2017

The Sin of Sins...

     I found myself wondering (and wandering) one afternoon when I read this phrase, it brought me down to the past, Yep….that’s right…., to the very beginning, which lead by my wonder and curiosity to study something  about this so called father of sins. The more you know the background of who and what is it, the more we could readily claim and walk from victory in our Christian life.  The “who did it” was laid out and given, “the-what-it-is” remains to be thoroughly investigated and understood.

So allow me to walk with you again….moderately, along its story…

     It was this sin which first led Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit (hindi mansanas yon ha.😄 )  “Just eat it and you won’t die” as the invitation was pushed to enlarge the desire and probably appetite. Then, she looked…, she plucked…, she ate ….. and… she shared (shocks! kaya namomroblema ako eh 😁  hehehe!) Then the “who did it" of old--did it auspiciously for the first time in human history. It was none other than the devil himself, introducing the sin he triumphantly applied to share his condemnation to humanity.

     It was also this sin, (I supposed) which transformed an anointed cherub of God, the very "seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty,” (as what the Good Book says) into Satan, Lucifer the devil, the Father of lies, the one for whom Hell itself was created. Time and again, we're warned to guard our hearts against this sin lest we too "fall into the same condemnation as the devil."

  This sin of sins is none other than “p-r-i-d-e”. It is the commencement of all sin because it was this which overthrew the devil, from whom arose the origin of all other sins and afterwards. His malice and envy pursued man (and woman “siyempre”), who was yet (at that earlier time) standing in his uprightness, but it subverted him in the same way in which he himself fell.

     Pride is peculiarly the sin of our fallen nature, and that’s why we are pre-occupied with our own. Such fitting,---that the middle letter of this word is “I”, it’s all about me, myself and mine. (‘recognize this??) A selfish nature acquired by listening and following to the oldest lie to be other “gods.” It's this sin of pride manifest itself in self motives, an exaggerated ego, a low opinion of others and disrespect for God. This sin of sins is rightfully distinguish as the foremost among seven deadly sins, and each of those seven is equally as deadly (Proverbs 6:16-19, NKJV), but none is quite as notorious as this "sin of the devil." It could be somehow looked, that many or all of those sins are inspired by such.

     We must recognize such problem and fight it. And this might be the hardest part, because as we have seen..., pride skews, bends and warps our perception of reality. It's hard to humble ourselves when we're stuck in pride. We cannot defeat it on our own as "our own heart is deceitful above all things", it can trick us but it cannot trick God.😅

     Don't make this thing the longest distance between ourselves and God. Such situation must and should bring us to our Creator, the Lord God. A complete repentance and submission to Him entails to halt this as we start to walk continuously and accordingly to his plan in our lives. Quite a relief ehy...that He did not forsake us to be defeated by our own selves through providing a “down-to-earth and simplistic way…..”Come to Me…” in which many people from many backgrounds sadly fail to understand yet. (willingly or otherwise)

     Give it up to grow up 😄 "for and to" God, as “Humbling ourselves before Almighty God… is the name of the game.”

But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. James 4:6