August 11, 2016

Such LOVE…

I was reminded of that young sturdy man who always been in a flame when season of planting seeds is at hand. He usually took time alone to store required strength and prepare the required seeds for spreading. Then he mingled with his other friends who also regarded such activity distinct and at high end, enjoying and sharing valuable experiences from their own passage of this duration.
And then the planting starts…..everyone took their well-kept seedlings, everyone prepares well. They are all scattered and distributed to their own assigned location. Each of them overlays the miracle seeds to the thirsty land that promises great bundle of fruits… someday and somehow.
Such a sight, such a marvelous spectacle of beneficial actions for a common purpose.
            Length of time passed and moments of various changes had affected the planting activity. The young sturdy man seems unconcerned and disinterested. And surprisingly, sometimes nowhere around… yet, new faces emerged, young blood with a solid, strong desire. High end laughter with such willingness to inter-act on the beneficial activity is still seen, but somehow I sorely missed the guy that was once strong and active but now feeble and collapsing. I missed his infectious smile. What has become of him?
This scene somehow engulfed me….as I saw the man in there ….. a part of me.!? Or a part of us?!  And “What has become of him” should be, what has happened to me? What has happened to us? Our fierce, menacing intensity that once grow seeds of truthful promises has awkwardly become cold, unresponsive desire which emanates dispassionism. Hmmmmm…What has become of me?
The crying, the confessions, the submission and thirst… for the service has somehow diverted to other seemingly profitable deed (accordingly).  The flame for the season is reduced to an ember of a dying fire. What has become of me?
‘Hard to face it head on… but Truth never stops. I know it, as usually I preached it, Tried to shun it.. Yet, the more it strikes a sounding blow.  What a vigorous power that convicts…..What a forceful pull! What a degree of Love!! So Unending, Unequivocal, Un-sizeable!  How can I…Oh! How can I……cease and discontinue. What is my meaning apart from Him?... And I just found myself humming….then singing that enduring hymn of my youth….
“Such was His love, that Hegave His own life..As though all our wrong were His…And I’ll tell Him…because He became what I was, That I might become….who He is….”

My tears flow…my tears fell. The embrace was so tight that clearly spells… I won’t let you go!….”These has become of me!

Such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us. Rom 5:5 AMPC