July 9, 2016

Some of Modern Day Idolatry in a Modern Day Christianity...

          There are ample of "conformingly suitable things" that can occupy one's attention, and some of these ideas may prove to be decent or "no ones is hurt" impression of activities....yet.....one should be more cautious and self-searching if these are eating more of our attention than it should be as a result....replacing the priority and center of our heart. Hmmmm....
          Because throwing or dealing more period on this passage of existence, somehow speaks of what kind of life we have or should I say to whom our life is anchored?..and modern Christianity expresses oneself with the actions that occupy our though and life as observed and seen by the surrounding people as the case maybe. Our dedication of more time and attention to some of the deeds and pursuit of these modern life  can somehow be perceived as idols of our life. Hmmmmm quite a notion perhaps but some if not many, are noticeable on Christians who are into this kind of modern day idolatry.... :)
          I have seen and researched more of such but let us just take the following which I thought are more deceivingly hidden, common or stand out to us....Which ones would you include that you might be involve with?

          It has come to my attention that some pastor say that “we can’t be preaching the Bible to people in the world because it’s not relevant to them.” Huh...say What!? I have to admit, I was somehow moved & angered by that. Isn’t the gospel the power of salvation (Rom. 1:16)? Does this thought push the idea that he has more power than the word of God to save? Has he invented a better way.... than the Spirit of God mixed with the Word of God making the children of God? Irrelevancy strikes pointing back to the preacher. The Word of God never needs changing; it abides forever (1 Pet. 1:25). These teachers of some churches that don’t want to offend people are more interested in filling the congregation attendance than filling people with the Word of God. Sorry, but the Word is supposed to cut in order to heal because soft words make hard hearts, but hard words make soft hearts, and the Word of God is supposed to comfort the afflicted, but afflict the comfortable. Pragmatism is deadly as a doctrine. Feelings over Faith is toxic. Hmmmmm, quite a freeing view there!

          Have you heard the prosperity teaching? This comes close to being found in every prosperity gospel I have ever heard. They want you to come to their church so that your life will be better and you’ll be happier, but I have news for them. My life got harder or should I say challenging!.... after I became a Christian. Many of my former friends spurned me. Much of my family thought I was brainwashed...etc... Whew...quite a lot of implications to hold and live for Christ! Have you felt that too??? 'Bet you did, don't you??
          Some sermon topics are “How to Live a Happier Life” or “How You Can Find More Fulfillment.” Pardon myself, but isn’t worship all about God and His glory? What about preaching about repentance, sin, the cross, the blood of the Lamb, holiness, sanctification, and actual biblical topics? Instead of love for God being taught, it’s all about love for self. It’s not theology but “me-ology” or "Akology" as I usually calls it. Christ is not the focus; we are! Hmmmmm....Prosperity is good, its one of the promises but teaching of repentance in connection to what Christ has completely done, should and must come first--before enjoying such "prosperous" journey. Get my vibes Sir?

We are All Children of God!
          Pluralism has extended its deadly grasp or  tentacles into the modern churches. No, not all of them, but the idea that we should embrace other religions is a false notion emanating from some or many(?) modern churches. The bumper sticker that reads “coexist” sounds nice, but try telling that to the extremists of one religion against another, who are continuously murdering people around the world. We are not all God’s children. Some are clearly children of the Devil, which is what Jesus told the religious authorities in His day (John 8:44), and John wrote that “we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are” (1 John 3:10). Once, when Paul and Barnabas were opposed by Elymas the sorcerer, who tried to turn the proconsul away from the faith (Acts 13:8), Paul told him, “You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery” (Acts 13:10). I will presume you got the overwhelming point that is clearly visible in our days. Pray for Christians to know, withstand this!

        So,,what can you say? Are not these false idols enslaving some of us today? Do you have a comment about other false idols that are infiltrating many churches today? I just covered some here, and I know that the many focus of preaching nowadays is shifting toward the self, toward being pragmatic or favoring what people want to hear and a tickling of ears Be aware and beware to their feeds and bids.!!
          In Paul’s last letter before his execution, he warned Timothy that “the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths” (2 Tim 4:3-4). Observe around......that time has come.

Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry. 1 Cor 10:14 (NIV)

(Excerpts from Ptr Wellman)